Dec 4, 2009

Back from the dead!

Hey everyone! It's been a long time since my last post hehe.. But yea, was messing around on Photoshop last night and came up with this Geisha, took me about 2hrs. Hope you all like it! :)

Aug 28, 2009

Texas Flood

Well, that's something that I'm actually redrawing! Few years back I did like 30 cartoonish girls using song names as a sort of reference or something. Just like, picked a song that was stuck in my head and drew the first thing that came to my mind. So I found that ol' sketch book a couple weeks back and decided to redraw 'em all! This one is Texas Flood, a song performed by Stevie Ray Vaughan, my most favorite guitar player! Ima post them up as I have free time.. Hope you all enjoy it! Toodles~

Aug 18, 2009

Lyin' like a dog!

Hey everyone! Haven't done anything major this week, just working on some sketches and ideas for now. Here are 'em! I was playing around and made my own version of Shiva from the Final Fantasy series and a sexy female version of Ifrit! There are also two funny cowboys I might use for something in the future. Toodles! :)

Aug 9, 2009

David Gilmour

Well that was a gift to my father who's a huge Pink Floyd fan! Had a lot of fun doing it, used watercolors, colored pencils and pastels! Hope you all like it! :)

See ya next time!

Jul 28, 2009

Where in the world is she?!

Hello everyone! It's been a while, hehe... This is something I've been working on while learning how to use the pen tool and lasso properly. Was pretty boring at first since I was getting my ass kicked by the pen tool but it was pretty fun after I got the hang of it. I might mess around with it some more. Well that's it folks! See ya soon :)

Jul 7, 2009

More studies!

Well guys, haven't had a lot of time to work on anything else other than sketches and thought I'd put 'em up here just so I don't look like a bum! :p

Jun 18, 2009

Random Studies

Well, it's been a while since I posted anything so here it goes! Lately I've been studying a lot of Scott Campbell's stuff so here is some of 'em! That's all folks! I really should be sleeping right now so gotta run! Cya next time :)

Jun 4, 2009

The Sky is Cryin'

Well, ran into an old drawing of mine that I really like. Nothin' fancy but it holds some sentimental value! Stevie Ray Vaughan is one of my favorites guitar players. May he rest in peace~

"The sky is cryin'....can't you see the tears roll down the street"

Jun 2, 2009


Some head studies based on my co-worker friends! Turned out pretty funny! hehe..

May 28, 2009

Bad Tattoo

Soooo, took me a lil' while but there it is! Turned out alright I guess, had a lot of fun doing it, except for the hair! It was a nice try though, got to learn quite a few things. Hope you all enjoyed it! See ya next time!

May 21, 2009

I'm stuck on you, like a bad tattoo, yeah.

Just a side kick project I'm working on at the same time, gonna paint it soon too! Toodles~

May 20, 2009


Hey everyone! It's been more than a week and I haven’t had much time to work on anything big, so I’m posting a sketch of the design for a tattoo I’ve been working on. I might play around and paint it on Photoshop too just for kicks. I'm gonna post the results for both as soon as I'm done with it! Catch y'all later! =)

May 10, 2009

Born to be Wild!

Here's my first experience with digital painting. Really had a lot of fun doing it and I liked quite a bit the final result. Gonna start another one right now and hopefully will be posting it along the week! See ya soon :)

Thanks for the hints teacher!

Welcome to the jungle!

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog. I'll try to update as often as possible, by that I mean once in a while because I'm a tad slow and I'm really short on time. Thanks for joining me! =)